Friday 24 June 2011

Identifying topic sentences

In the following paragraphs, identify the topic sentence and the key words in the topic sentence that the other sentences support.

John Bookmeyer is a versatile, well-rounded boy. In addition to singing in his church choir, he is a drummer in a small combo. He maintains a high average in his subjects at school and still manages to play football and run on the track team. Although he is very popular with other young people, he doesn't let his social life interfere with his weekend job at the drugstore.

The first thing I noticed about the school was the litter in the schoolyard. Trash and paper were scattered everywhere. The building, which could have been very attractive despite its age, was dingy and dirty beyond belief. A window -pane was broken out of the main door, and the door itself led into a dark, for bidding hall. As I walked down the hall, I noticed the messy bulletin board and, in several places, writing on the wall. No one greeted me when I entered the outer office, although a
receptionist was sitting there noisily chewing a huge wad of gum and putting on fingernail polish. All in all.
I couldn't help feeling that the school was poorly cared for.
Through the fog the arc lights high above the stadium looked like small moons from the field below. The lights were reflected all over the marshy field in pools of water, an accumulation of twenty four hours of steady drizzle. Despite lengthy warm-up drills, the players now felt the cold and dampness beginning to penetrate. They were either huddled together or dancing up and down to keep warm-- that is, all except our first-string quarterback and our all-state offensive end, both of whom were out of the game with injuries. They sat glumly on the bench wrapped in soggy woolen blankets, Conditions could hardly have been worse for this crucial game.

Tuesday 21 June 2011

JUNO * Movie Review

Juno ( Ellen Page) is a teenager that is pregant of Paulie Bleeker (Michael Cera). She isn't a typical american girl. She is mature for her age.
When Juno know is pregnant, she doesn't know what to do, so she calls her best friend and tell her the new. Her best friend gives a great idea that is give her baby a family. They search in the nwespaper to people that want to adopt a baby, and she choose a  young couple. This couple was Vanessa Loring ( Jennifer Garner) and Mark Lorring. Juno wants a good parent for the baby so she decides choose that one.
When Juno meets the copuple , she has affinity with Mark, so Vanessa feels some jealous to Juno.
This couple is happen for a difficult moment because Vanessa want to be mother and Mark is not prepared for parenthood.

I think that is a good movie because you can make a reflection of the situation that happen in the movie like teen pregnancy, sexual education and the relationship between young and adult people. This movie has emotion, dramma and romance. Is atypical movie and this makes that to be amaizing.

Juno was write bye Diablo Cody and was direct Jason Reitman. The principal theme by Kimya Dawson.

I recomend Juno *

Monday 20 June 2011

Movie Review Shrek *

* Shrek somewhat bored of his life (he was tired), he decides to make a deal with an evil wizard. This guy, cheats to Shrek, but is very late for him repent. So, he decides continue for fix his life and that all come back was before the deal. He want to recover his family and his friends.
This movie, is an animated movie, it has adventure, emotion and a lot fun. The music is good too. The plot is very interesting because you can think many things about that happen with the characters.
This is a funny movie recomende for all family, not only kids but teenager and adults. I recommend this movie because is very fun and you can laugh all the time. If you are sad, this movie can you get up your mood.